Valeria Boikova
Merged in a post:
Practice Hand crossbow
Lucas Koechlin
Instead of an image it is just large letters vertical (assume its the code) through the bubble for both main hand and off hand
Valeria Boikova
Great news! This issue is fixed, it is no longer happening in the new version of the game we are preparing to release. Keep an eye on Telegram to be notified when it's out!
Valeria Boikova
in progress
Valeria Boikova
Merged in a post:
equip bug handcrossbow
Jason Anderson
Valeria Boikova
Merged in a post:
Crossbow Huge Text and Dice Rolls invisible
Bautista Karl Andrew
Whenever I acquire a crossbow, specifically practice handcrossbow and handcrossbow, it shows huge texts and sometimes the image is not present. Also in combat, sometimes I don't role a dice while the handcrossbow is equipped and it just attacks.
Meester Arnout
When the dice rolls are invisible I also get the message "HandCrossbow is loading". Maybe this helps.
Loots Gian
I get the same with handcrossbow. Also shows up in caravan and in battle-queue screen
Meester Arnout
I can concur :-)
Valeria Boikova