Follow up on the latest improvements and updates.

CryptoFights team has been working on a surprise release for the community! You can learn all about the new features in our recent article.
Drop Adjustments
Reward drops have changed, but this is good news. The game version currently available shows you a peek into the exponential increase in questlines soon to be available. Due to the expansion of The World of CryptoFights, we will increase the fighter level cap in a future release. This means Epics and other rare items are now reserved for higher-level opponents, which is available with Ascension. That being said, Epic items are now extremely valuable.
These align with the drop rates released with CryptoFights economy features, including materials, blueprints, and scrolls for crafting and enchanting. Economy Features will include Gods Arena, AFK rewards, Portal Charging, NFT Marketplace, Crafting & Enchanting.
Experience Points
In alignment with Ascension and Drop Adjustments, fighters will no longer accumulate XP once they reach level 10. However, fighters still receive rewards for every win! As a reminder, any poor and common items currently owned or earned can be dismantled for their materials.
Hall of Memories
Hall of Memories is temporarily disabled as we prepare it for our CFS Economy Features. We are making significant changes to the Hall of Memories to support our Gods Arena and Gods Leaderboard. This feature may return before the CFS Economy Features release. You can still see the fight details in the bottom right corner while in the arena or questline.
System Improvements
Missing equipment is a drag! We are continuing to improve our equipment selection within the game. Because we are 100% on the chain, sometimes users' items get delayed making their way from the chain to your game. While this may be inconvenient, having all items on chain is the most secure way to protect our gamers. All missing items return to the users.
It's better late than never, right? Now when you add a space at the end of your username, a notification reminds you what symbols are not accepted in the username box.
Quality of Life
Level 7 soft lock is officially gone! With the introduction of 4 new bosses and a single arena, you can level your character completely through questlines to prepare for arena battles.
Waiting in the queue to play? The waiting room has now been moved inside the game. This means you will not wait in a queue to enter the game. Instead, you will now enter the queue when you select a dungeon or arena. This allows users to spend time in the caravan and marketplace without waiting. This will be especially important with the release of crafting & enchanting.
Game Interface
Sharing is caring & our community loves comparing builds. You can share most pages inside the game. This feature takes a screenshot so you can easily send images to friends.
Change your mind? No problem. A forfeit button has been added to the interface, allowing you to leave a questline before it's started. Forfeit in the arena will change with the release of the Gods Arena, as players will have the option to stake their fight.
What a crazy problem to have... but some users with too much BSV had difficulty entering the game. This has been resolved. The quantity of BSV or CFS in your account will not impact whether or not you can log in.
Your character may turn various colors when equipping an illusion or have difficulty fighting. This is a known bug. We continue developing a solution for the Illusion performance to support the CFS Economy Feature, NFT Marketplace.
Patch Notes 22.29.19

Greetings Fighters!
For those who missed it, the CryptoFights game is LIVE & our player limit has been increased to 400 gamers.
The Technical:
FYX Gaming Team, the creator of CryptoFights has been furiously working behind the scenes to prepare to release the CryptoFights Token & CryptoFights 2.0. As it is known, our blockchain technology that supports the tokenomic infrastructure of CryptoFights 2.0 is in ongoing production. Likewise, we’ve implemented a queueing system to monitor the influx of data while we continue development.
We want everyone to play without a queue, truly — so ridding our queue is of much importance to us. Given the very high demand on our servers by power users, we temporarily add a captcha after a certain number of battles. This will allow us to increase the waiting room so everyone who wants to play can.
Older game versions will see the captcha more frequently, so make sure to update to the latest version. We’re sorry about the captchas, but they are easy to solve and only temporary.
The Newness:
Prepare for all-things CryptoFights 2.0! This month marks the beginning of our pre-release CryptoFights Chronicle. Each week, we introduce a new glimpse into CryptoFights 2.0 world. As per usual, our community members receive the details first. Of course, you can have access too by joining our community on Telegram, Discord, or joining our mailing list when you register for a CryptoFights account.
System Improvements:
- It’s okay to be lazy, but we’re no fan of lazy-load fighters! We’ve made improvements that lower the wait time for fighters and weapons to load in your caravan. Lazy load is a technique that defers loading resources until you need them. Without lazy-load, you waste data, processing time, battery, and other system resources loading information you may never need.
- Did someone say cookies? Oh, wait. We’re baking up some fighting arenas and dungeons to make them more beautiful than you’ve seen them before. We’re experimenting with a completely new rendering system — to implement ultra-beautiful graphics that don’t bog down your system. Keep your eyes on the dungeons and arenas you know and love because they’re getting jazzed up with more lighting, details, and color.
Game Interface:
- We’ve done a little bit of this and a little bit of that! You’ll notice a few are moved around in your game interface. These small changes will improve your overall experience, reducing concentrated buttons where they don’t need to be. One difference is that we’ve moved your settings button to sit near your fighter log and away from your attack buttons.
- We have some… a lot of game interface updates coming your way as part of our CryptoFights Chronicle release! We have new interfaces coming your way for in-game experiences you’re already familiar with and others… that we haven’t told you about yet!
Quality of Life Improvements:
- Let me just… squeeze in here real quick. Did you ever notice that it can be a little tricky navigating our skill tree? We have over 50 action and trait options to choose from, so, go-figure! We’ve Improved Skill Tree Navigation by zooming out, so you can easily decipher which abilities you’ve unlocked or should unlock for your character.
- A quick reminder to spread the deck! You’re going to receive a lot of rewards while playing CryptoFights. When you receive over three rewards, your NFT deck will be an elegant spread along with your screen. Don’t forget to equip your new weapons and armor before hitting the “play again” button!
Bug Fixes:
- Hello Darkness My Old Friend! For those who have illusions, when equipped, they would turn our characters a dark purple or other colors. Now, your Illusions are accessible to your fighters, and they’ll look very cool, just as intended.
- Auto-play got a facelift!… again. In the caravan, select “auto” to set up your favorite fighting combo before the match starts. Some actions would be re-used, even though they should have been on cooldown. For those who discovered the loop-hole, very clever & good on ya! For those who were on the receiving end, we’ve made it right for ya’.
Stay up to date and don’t miss a thing! Follow us everywhere

CryptoFighters, it's good to be back!
The Technical:
The FYX Gaming team took CryptoFights offline in late April to implement a few
ground-breaking experiments
with blockchain development. During that time, our team achieved over 20 million data transactions
processed in a 24-hour period - to prove the scalability of the FYX Gaming technology on the BitcoinSV blockchain. The successful test of our original technology was another significant step towards scaling web3 gaming
capabilities securely, fast, and with next-to-zero gas fees.Okay, sounds fancy - but tell me something fun!
The Newness:
While offline, our developers, artists, and global team have been passionately working behind the scenes to bring new experiences to CryptoFights and continue to prepare for the much anticipated CryptoFights 2.0.
On May 17th, we released an updated 2022 Roadmap for our game -- our most detailed roadmap to date. Our Discord & Telegram users saw the reveal first, with the public following a few days behind. So if you're someone who loves early release news, you'll want to join our community groups. The roadmap reveals projects currently in development and plans for the upcoming months. In addition, we broke down what projects we've completed this year so far in case they've gone under your radar.
System Improvements:
- Without exposing our secret sauce, just know that we continue to add a ton of new bits and pieces of code to prepare the game for the new, soon-to-be-released game features. We will continue to reveal more details on how crafting, enchanting, dismantling and arena staking work - so make sure to tune into our socials.
- If you haven't seen our Developer Updates, I highly recommend you check them out. cough-cough, discord saw it first. We're experimenting with a completely new rendering system - to implement ultra-beautiful graphics that don't bog down your system. The more graphics, visual and audio effects added to a game, the harder it is on your system, the more space it takes up and the more power it needs to operate without issues. This in-development rendering system provides Metaverse-of-your-dreams quality graphics while not turning your device into a hot iron. "Google, add an immersive experience to my gaming experience, please".
Game Interface:
- In-game registration. Mic drop🎤. The pesky portal we all know and love will remain inactive while we merge all portal items in-game. This means all new users will register for accounts directly in the game. She's beautiful. She's grace. She's in the perfect space.
- Auto-play got a facelift! Set up your favorite fighting combo before the match starts. Take note! If your attack has a cooldown making it no longer playable, you may need to re-evaluate your strategy! You can turn auto-play off at any time.
- Where's my money, honey? The portal is inactive, so that means, for a temporary time, you cannot remove your BSV from your CryptoFights account. Do not fret!Your money remains right where you left it. You can still check your earnings at the top of the in-game hud.
- Minor changes to our caravan layout are in effect! On the Caravan screen, your equipped items have written descriptions like "leather armor", which would often be bunched up, spaced out, and just wonky. Some backend and visual tweaks made a larger space available for these descriptions so they fit nice and snug.
- Fighter name changes have also hit the caravan layout! We've extended the number of visible letters to 20 characters, so longer fighter names show up in full rather than being cut off. So for those creative types, this is your time to shine.
Quality of Life Improvements:
- Oh, our beloved waiting room! When leaving the waiting room queue, to enter the game, some players experience a delay. What's with that? Check your loading screen, you should see additional information on what is loading into the game, such as "Get Fighters" or "Get Items". The speed at which they load may have a few dependencies such as your bandwidth - but now you'll have a clear description as to what is loading before fully entering the game.
- Do you know something that's been missing from our game? A way to immediately equip rewards. Boom bata-bing, we've done it again. After winning a match, you can immediately equip your weapon and armor rewards to your current build before heading back into battle. You used to return to the caravan to select and equip your new rewards, but not anymore! Don't mind us as we *face-palm over this!
- Spread the deck! You're going to receive a lot of rewards while playing CryptoFights. Now, when you receive over 3 rewards, your NFT deck will be an elegant spread along with your screen. Don't forget to equip your new weapons and armor before hitting the "play again" button!
Bug Fixes:
- Orcs are known for being brute and serious monsters, but our Orc War Chief was known for breakdancing down the battleground. We sent him back to the Academy of Destruction - and he's returned to his normal self. You should no longer see the Orc War Chief looking fuzzy, glitched, just standing there or dancing with his double.
- Did someone say rewards? We are big supporters of participation rewards - but not in the battleground. Some users experienced weapon and armor drops that are exclusive to higher-level arenas. Fighters should no longer receive high-level rewards in entry-level arenas.
- Endless victory dance and no victory chest? Some users experienced infinite victory celebrations after a battle, inevitably leading them to forfeit in order to return to the lobby, with a delay in rewards showing up in their inventory. We've corrected this pesty bug, so now, when battles are complete your reward is recorded. Occasionally, if you experience abnormal loading after a match - your data is saved, and your items will be waiting for you in the caravan.
- Fight Back! Some users experienced a bug during the tutorial, where the dummy and NPCs would not fight back! Both the user and the bots may have remained in place without actually attacking. Users should no longer experience this bug, so let's get back to fighting.

👋 Hey all! As many of you might know, CryptoFights has hit a sudden and unprecedented surge in popularity in the last few weeks, and we've managed to set new records for the highest amount of transactions on-chain. We can only thank you, the players, for helping us achieve all this! 🎉
The downside to this was that our servers couldn't accommodate all of the new traffic, and many players wanting to log in and experience the game were left high and dry.
We shifted all our focus on coming up with an elegant solution for the issues many of you experienced as a result of this giant traffic increase, and the result is our new in-game functionality called the
Smart Queueing System
Some of you might already know what a login queue is - You start the game, type in your username and password, click "log in" and then you see: "Login Queue, position: x" - we've implemented the same mechanic for CryptoFights.
How it Works:
The new queue system works on a 'first come, first serve' basis - After updating to the newest version of the game, upon logging in you will now see a queue number if the maximum amount of concurrent players has been reached. This number will keep going down as your position in the virtual queue updates, and as soon as it reaches 0, you'll be let in!
Once you've reached the top of the queue, you don't need to take any additional action - the game will load fine, and you will be able to play for as long as you'd like to ( there is no time or activity limit implemented currently ) However, keep in mind that closing the game at any point while waiting in the queue or while already inside of the game will remove you from the pool of active players, and you'll need to queue again.
That's pretty much it! If you've got any feedback about this new feature, we'd LOVE to hear it - so head on over to our discord, telegram or just send a message directly to our friendly folks over at customer support via our chat widget!
Other Notable Updates:
We've added another improvement to compliment this new queuing system and help you play matches quickly and efficiently - the match speed you set when playing will now persist across matches, so you only need to set it once and every match will be played out at the same speed you set - no more having to manually press x2 or x3 each time you enter a dungeon battle!

Here's What's New:
Our Developers have been furiously stirring the pot of CryptoFights lately, working tirelessly on adding new ingredients to the game, sprinking in performance improvements, and fishing out pesky bugs! Here is a highlight of some of the most noteworthy new changes in version 22.14.3
System Improvements:
- The DevOps team finally figured out the answer to the question Watcha gonna do with all that junk, all that junk inside that trunk?by consolidating the main system trunk into testnet!
- A ton of new bits and pieces of code were added as we prepare the game for the new, soon-to-be-released game features such as item crafting, enchanging, dismantling and arena staking.
- Other system improvements include: upgrading the code for how different game screens are loaded, improving the .apk and .exe application packaging times, simplifying the way ability effects are applied in the code, and more!
- We fixed the "Fighter does not exist" backend error showing up after registering sometimes, as well as the error that would show up if you logged out and then re-logged in, along with cleaning up some random Nullref exception errors that would pop up every once in a while.
Bug Fixes:
- Your fighter will no longer kill himself during the tutorial!We appologize for any distress caused and would like to let you know that no CryptoFighters were harmed during the fixing of this issue
- Your fighter was sometimes not attacking the opponent- Not anymore!
- The dice would sometimes appear when they weren't supposed to, or wouldn't appear when they were supposed to- We fixed that!
- We fixed the bug where equipping illusions changed your character's gender.
- We fixed a lot of different Hall of Memories visual and performance bugs
- Quasit's portrait was fixed- This lovable beast's picture is looking better than ever now.
Game Balancing:
- Cursenow lasts 5 turns, instead of 8.
- Vengefulwas behaving weirdly - We fixed the issue where necrotic dmg was applying to dead fighters and increasing HP on the last turn

What's New in CryptoFights 🔥
Version 22.9.8
This week's fixes and improvements cover a wide range of in-game mechanics. Our team of developers worked hard, so that you can play hard! Here's what's new in-game:
Improved In-Game Melting
- We've received reports of players accidentally melting items they did not intend to melt via the in-game melting button, and made sure to aply some fixes to the melting logic to prevent it from happening again. With this improved logic, the melt all
option will only melt items of the same type as the currently selected one, instead of all items.👁
Reworked perception
- We made some changes to the way this stat is calculated, in order to balance out some game skills. Which means that the pesky Hide Wall DC bug
is finally gone for good! We understand just how frustrating it was to have the wrong in-game mechanic, considering that Hide is one of the most popular skills in the game, and made sure to fix the issue. 🃏
Battle Portal Cards
will now show the requirements for entering an arena, in order to give you more context on what you need to do to enter a specific Battleground.📖
How to Play
, located on the bottom right of the game now leads to our new, improved website! Watch some gameplay videos and learn more about the game anytime, simply by tapping it. Expect more in-depth tutorials and walkthroughs soon!🏛
Hall of Memories
has had an overhaul, and while the screen itself will loo exactly the same, the performance and data loading speeds should be greatly improved. We even fixed the bug where the game would crash if you pressed 'skip' on a match replay!🤺
Matchmaking screen
has had some performance improvements as well, expect less hiccups when queueing up for a PvE or PvP match from now on.Some known issues that we're currently still working on - expect them to be addressed in our future patch notes:
Forfeit is not functional
The Quasit is doing a T-Pose
The Hall of memories is still not 100% reliable in some cases

We have a very exciting update to announce! 🎉
the CryptoFights Android and Windows apps have been updated to Version
Our developers have been tinkering with the innards of the game to bring you a ton of under the hood improvements, including:🧹
Code Spring Cleaning:
We dusted off some cobwebs in our code, rotated some cranks up to 11, and cleaned up a lot of our infrastructure to make sure those pesky backend server errors are now gone for good. There should be no more Internal Server Errors or Backend Deployment Errors popping up during gameplay!
Elastic Caching:
We've made some major changes to the way we record & store in-game data. This doesn't mean that the data can now do exercises with an elastic band, but it certainly means in-game data loading will be faster
and your things will be able to get from point A to point B much quicker!⚔
Improved Queueing:
One of the major updates released recently that deserves a place in the spotlight is the improved queue messaging system. You'll now be notified of your queueing status on every step of the way to a PvP or PvE match
- and in the rare case you get stuck, you'll be able to know exactly what went wrong and where!📝
Better System Logging:
While this change won't be visible in-game, it's an important update that will help our team better understand what happens when a match freezes or something goes wrong. Our new and improved system logging will make tracking and identifying issues easier
, and in turn will help us catch and solve issues faster than ever before!This update brings a lot of new and exciting updates to the Fyx Gaming portal and CryptoFights, including some new in-game features and a ton of under-the-hood improvements, and a major Marketplace UI update!

New CryptoFights Features:
Retire Fighters
- you now have the option to delete all those unused fighters and clean up your fighter selection screen! This highly requested feature is finally here, and players will now have the option to delete any unwanted fighters simply by visiting the Caravan and selecting the fighter they want to delete.⚔
In-Game Item Melting
- no more switching back and forth between the portal and the game when trying to melt items! We have added the option to melt either all items or specific ones, just be careful not to melt any items you do not intend to! We are working on bringing in item locking soon to help players 'lock in' specific items that they do not want melted ever, so keep an eye out on our changelog for when this update comes out!🧩
Smarter & Better Captcha
- This feature is currently turned off, we heard you loud and clear on how annoying the captcha before every battle was and also on your concerns regarging accessibility for players with impaired vision! We've improved it tenfold and in the rare case you MIGHT be asked to complete a captcha, you will simply be asked to drag a puzzle piece in it's place! We hope this is way more fun than having to enter text, but keep in mind if you get it wrong three times you might still be presented with the old boring captcha, just so we can make sure you're not a bot! 😊Bug Fixes and Improvements:
Major Performance Improvements
- Aside from adding all those new features, our team has also been working hard on overhauling all our server systems, reticulating all the splines, redistributing resources and making sure there are no major issues such as disapperaing items or fighters, balances not updating properly, players being unable to match and so on. This is our biggest backend overhaul yet, and we're hoping the game is going to be x10 more stable and reliable after these updates. If you're still having issues related to your account after this update, please feel free to reach out and let us know!
New Features:
Remember Me:
You can set a PIN on your device for easy log in if you check 'remember me' during sign in. Please note that this PIN code is only stored locally on your device, so if you set it up on Android you will also need to set it up separately on PC.Optional Level Up
- Players are now allowed to go back after they have decided to level up, making the level up optional.Improved Matchmaking UI
- We've added more feedback to help players understand what is going on as they are in the queueBug Fixes & Improvements:
- A lot of improvements have been made to the bots, making them smarter
- Fix pvp killing blow/defeat animation and other circumstances where battle animations don't play out
- Attempt at fixing some problems with missing items (not validated)
- Fix for the stuck on loading screen just as battle was about to startbug that caused many players to lose their funds without going into a fight
- Fix damage types layout on caravan for weapons with special item bonuses
- Fixed an issue with how XP was printed out on the caravan - sometimes the rounding made it seem like you had enough XP to level up when you didn't.
- A lot of small tweaks and bug fixes under the hood.
⚠ Known issues ⚠
Sometimes the health bar misreports HP on bots, specially when using the x3 toggle
Aqua will skip some turns or bug out in the middle of a battle
Some players might still experience missing items, we've found that restarting the game or waiting a bit helps. We're still working on fully resolving this issue for everyone, but most players should not be experiencing it anymore! 💪

New Features:
Improved Marketplace Search
- You can now search for multiple words by adding a dash inbetween them. Try hand-crossbow if you want to look for a hand crossbow for example!Easy to read Item Stats
- We've added the weapon name, rarity and price to the thumbnail, and also a detailed pop-up that shows all item details on mouse hover.Different colors based on Rarity
- You will be able to easily tell the rare and epic items from the common and uncommon at a glance now!
❄ The New Snow Mountain Update is Live ❄
The official release is
available , we have worked tirelessly to bring it to you as soon as possible. Please check out this brief description of some of the changes you can expect in the new update:Here's What's New:
New Free PvE & Paid PvP modes! Players can now reach Level 10!! Battle it out in 3 new Single-Player mode levels and 2 new PvP arenas. Information on loot drop %s:
- Forest Dungeons:lvl 1-4 75% Poor, 25% Common / lvl 5,6 73% poor, 20% common, 7% uncommon
- Battlegrounds 1:73% Poor, 20% Common, 7% Uncommon
- Snow Dungeons:18% Poor, 60% Common, 20% Uncommon, 2% Rare
- Battlegrounds 2:4% Poor, 25% Common, 62% Uncommon, 8% Rare, 1% Epic
- Battlegrounds 3:25% Common, 62% Uncommon, 11% Rare, 2% Epic
XP Rewards from PVP
- XP is earned from PvP and PvP wins are required to access the Snow Dungeons. To continue to gain xp after lvl 7 and the Forest Dungeons, you will need to enter PvP matches.Dice Rolls on lvl ups:
Now when gaining new lvls 1d4 is rolled and added to HP, XP can be spent in the caravan to re-roll these rolls. Simply tap on the dice shown below your character for a chance to re-roll.MAX LVL
Has been increased to lvl 10, this comes with two addtional skills and one stat point. Skill Changes:
- 🧊 Chillcooldown has been increased to2
- 🙏 Cleansecooldown has been reduced to4
- 🏹 Lock and Loadnow has a cooldown of2turns
- 🛡 Mundane Protectionnow lasts3turns and has a cooldown of6turns
- 🗡 Precisenow addsX3damage oncriticalhits for heavy precision weapons (crossbows)as well as the +1 to critical range
- 🍃 Improved Sneak AttackNow works while inspired
Bug Fixes & Improvements:
- 🎵 Match start sound not playing in the beginning of battle.
- 🎶 Some Improvements & tweaks to the sounds system and audio effects.
- 💸 Fighters will no longer storing funds when not finding an opponent.
- 🔥 Critical hits are now functioning properly.
Exsiting Known Errors:
- ⚠ HP reroll in the caravan needs the page refreshed to update the new amounts.
- ⚠ Forfeit & Logout Buttons in the settings are not functioning.
- ⚠ Tutorial only works when starting with a new account.
- ⚠ Cancel Queue button not appearing Immediately.
- ⚠ Hall of memories not functioning properly.
- ⚠ Caravan can get stuck and require a restart.
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