This update brings a lot of new and exciting updates to the Fyx Gaming portal and CryptoFights, including some new in-game features and a ton of under-the-hood improvements, and a major Marketplace UI update!

New CryptoFights Features:
Retire Fighters
- you now have the option to delete all those unused fighters and clean up your fighter selection screen! This highly requested feature is finally here, and players will now have the option to delete any unwanted fighters simply by visiting the Caravan and selecting the fighter they want to delete.⚔
In-Game Item Melting
- no more switching back and forth between the portal and the game when trying to melt items! We have added the option to melt either all items or specific ones, just be careful not to melt any items you do not intend to! We are working on bringing in item locking soon to help players 'lock in' specific items that they do not want melted ever, so keep an eye out on our changelog for when this update comes out!🧩
Smarter & Better Captcha
- This feature is currently turned off, we heard you loud and clear on how annoying the captcha before every battle was and also on your concerns regarging accessibility for players with impaired vision! We've improved it tenfold and in the rare case you MIGHT be asked to complete a captcha, you will simply be asked to drag a puzzle piece in it's place! We hope this is way more fun than having to enter text, but keep in mind if you get it wrong three times you might still be presented with the old boring captcha, just so we can make sure you're not a bot! 😊Bug Fixes and Improvements:
Major Performance Improvements
- Aside from adding all those new features, our team has also been working hard on overhauling all our server systems, reticulating all the splines, redistributing resources and making sure there are no major issues such as disapperaing items or fighters, balances not updating properly, players being unable to match and so on. This is our biggest backend overhaul yet, and we're hoping the game is going to be x10 more stable and reliable after these updates. If you're still having issues related to your account after this update, please feel free to reach out and let us know!