Here's What's New:
Our Developers have been furiously stirring the pot of CryptoFights lately, working tirelessly on adding new ingredients to the game, sprinking in performance improvements, and fishing out pesky bugs! Here is a highlight of some of the most noteworthy new changes in version 22.14.3
System Improvements:
- The DevOps team finally figured out the answer to the question Watcha gonna do with all that junk, all that junk inside that trunk?by consolidating the main system trunk into testnet!
- A ton of new bits and pieces of code were added as we prepare the game for the new, soon-to-be-released game features such as item crafting, enchanging, dismantling and arena staking.
- Other system improvements include: upgrading the code for how different game screens are loaded, improving the .apk and .exe application packaging times, simplifying the way ability effects are applied in the code, and more!
- We fixed the "Fighter does not exist" backend error showing up after registering sometimes, as well as the error that would show up if you logged out and then re-logged in, along with cleaning up some random Nullref exception errors that would pop up every once in a while.
Bug Fixes:
- Your fighter will no longer kill himself during the tutorial!We appologize for any distress caused and would like to let you know that no CryptoFighters were harmed during the fixing of this issue
- Your fighter was sometimes not attacking the opponent- Not anymore!
- The dice would sometimes appear when they weren't supposed to, or wouldn't appear when they were supposed to- We fixed that!
- We fixed the bug where equipping illusions changed your character's gender.
- We fixed a lot of different Hall of Memories visual and performance bugs
- Quasit's portrait was fixed- This lovable beast's picture is looking better than ever now.
Game Balancing:
- Cursenow lasts 5 turns, instead of 8.
- Vengefulwas behaving weirdly - We fixed the issue where necrotic dmg was applying to dead fighters and increasing HP on the last turn