New Features:
Remember Me:
You can set a PIN on your device for easy log in if you check 'remember me' during sign in. Please note that this PIN code is only stored locally on your device, so if you set it up on Android you will also need to set it up separately on PC.Optional Level Up
- Players are now allowed to go back after they have decided to level up, making the level up optional.Improved Matchmaking UI
- We've added more feedback to help players understand what is going on as they are in the queueBug Fixes & Improvements:
- A lot of improvements have been made to the bots, making them smarter
- Fix pvp killing blow/defeat animation and other circumstances where battle animations don't play out
- Attempt at fixing some problems with missing items (not validated)
- Fix for the stuck on loading screen just as battle was about to startbug that caused many players to lose their funds without going into a fight
- Fix damage types layout on caravan for weapons with special item bonuses
- Fixed an issue with how XP was printed out on the caravan - sometimes the rounding made it seem like you had enough XP to level up when you didn't.
- A lot of small tweaks and bug fixes under the hood.
⚠ Known issues ⚠
Sometimes the health bar misreports HP on bots, specially when using the x3 toggle
Aqua will skip some turns or bug out in the middle of a battle
Some players might still experience missing items, we've found that restarting the game or waiting a bit helps. We're still working on fully resolving this issue for everyone, but most players should not be experiencing it anymore! 💪

New Features:
Improved Marketplace Search
- You can now search for multiple words by adding a dash inbetween them. Try hand-crossbow if you want to look for a hand crossbow for example!Easy to read Item Stats
- We've added the weapon name, rarity and price to the thumbnail, and also a detailed pop-up that shows all item details on mouse hover.Different colors based on Rarity
- You will be able to easily tell the rare and epic items from the common and uncommon at a glance now!