Gore hits "too demoralized?"
under review
D Cameron
Playing with my Gore elf and on my 2nd turn two of my hit dice on each hand were 20 (vs 16 evasion) but I got no hit. I've seen this a few times now in the latest version where I'll roll a 19 or 20 vs an evasion 3-5 points lower and still not get a hit.
How much disadvantage is being demoralized supposed to give?
D Cameron
As soon as the server update is done and I can access the web-based player stats, I will. I did manage to get this screenshot though. On the bottom roll, the left die rolled a 20, but no hit was given vs a 17 evasion. I assume this is due to my player being demoralized (by opponent, not due to gore), but I don't know if this is correct. How much disadvantage does being demoralized give?
It seems like the disadvantage is too high right now...
Valeria Boikova
under review
Valeria Boikova
Hi D Cameron,
Can you please share with me some Battle URLs where this issue is happening, so that our team can take a look at the combat logs?
Thank you in advance
⚡ Val
D Cameron
Valeria Boikova: I have a URL now: https://portal.fyxgaming.com/summary/11882f2ff375565cae0bf2e3712a54da193d48d60f32960b55fc6b4c5745be30_o9/false
My fighter was demoralized under the opponent's lock-n-load with a 17 evasion. I rolled a 19 and a 20 (top roll, the 20 is blocked) but didn't get a hit. (Screenshot added). Later I got a hit when I rolled a 19 with the +3 & +2 bonus for 24.
How wide is the spread on being demoralized? 4 points? That seems like too much, especially against a high evasion opponent.
Edit: in the battle after the one linked above, I rolled an 18 or 19 while demoralized and got a hit against the same player. So why do 19s and 20s not get hits sometimes? Link: https://portal.fyxgaming.com/summary/10afe422b82781d2308441d86a9045a45e44c5fced909f2df8f6f241f5e35480_o9/false
D Cameron
In this match I rolled an 18 and a 19 on 2 different turns vs 10 evasion, and that hand didn't get a hit. The system went with the smaller roll each time: https://portal.fyxgaming.com/summary/875860ffb0cdf395b47e788792be5b9c252471de07551136bfab7a50c495cade_o9/false
D Cameron
It just happened again, I rolled a 20 vs 13 evasion and got no hit (the first hit die was a 9 or something, but that shouldn't matter, right?)